Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tic Tac Toe ver 1.0

Well, I managed to get some time to code (I'm reading heavily on couple related things), and I pushed through my first homebrew game on DS - Tic Tac Toe. Now I know that this isn't a very complicated game, but I want to use it as a method to study DS coding. Ver 1.0, console app finished: Now, time for the dreaded feature creep :D. I think I'll start with displaying image.


Anonymous said...

Woo for Mantis. Any idea when you will he updating your blog with new ideas/information?

ManTis said...

Today, maybe tomorrow actually :)

Anonymous said...

*Waits* I really like your DS LION >:3

Anyway, WOO for Mantis, again.

ManTis said...

Well, today I'm moving to Germany so sorry - no update ;P