Saturday, February 10, 2007

I got a job!

Yay, I got a job, I will code games for DS and PSP. So, as a way to start it, I'm making some homebrews and running them on Dualis. Here's my first NDS demo: Well, that's about it for now - back to coding!

Update: I can now plot pixels and get touch input! woo!


Anonymous said...

lol... nds got haxord... so can you tell us the name of this company yet?

ManTis said...

10tacle Mobile

Anonymous said...

jesus christ its a lion!!
get in the car!!

lol...couldnt resist

Boulder Dash!! < thats what happened when i googled 10tacle. i want to see your name in the credits. =]

ManTis said...

First game I ever played, first game I'll be working on in games industry. Fate, no less ;)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.