Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What happened here?

Ok, so this is my planet creation first attempt after couple days of reading through C# books. Well, it isn't secret that something is faulty here. Gotta fix it.

Update: looks little bit better

Monday, December 11, 2006


First approach to ROAMing, atm it's just rectangular division. For planets I'll change that to circular, and later - to spherical. Cade, I'm on to ya!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Slowly getting there

Well, managed to get MDX rendering to panel control. I redesigned the look of the editor, most controls aren't implemented yet. Does not matter.  What matters is that now I can implement the landscape/planet mesh.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Old stuff part 2

While I'm here I might as well post pics from some other projects I was 
working on. This one was made only in alpha ver, beta never finished.

Alpha pic. Gameplay more-or-less done, graphics temporary, no GUI/menu.

Beta pic, you can see first GUI attempts, also the box is rendered differently. Actually, only thing that was finished in beta was menu, which coincidentally isn't on this pic.


After studying some C#, I'm now ready to unleash its fucking fury and do some planet editor. Woo! Hope that I will manage to post some screenshawts soon.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

And now for something completely different

And here it is! Screenshot of my ubercool 2D platform game that landed me job interview in Germany on January 2007. (Though it's far from being completed, it's actually playable. On my comp.)

Sunday, December 3, 2006


I have to say - I like C# by now. But everything can be good for only so much - studying language from book 4 days in a row is hell. So I decided to relive some pain and look on the Managed DirectX book. Well, with my current C# knowledge I could copypaste the first example from that book - very educating, that.

Yeah, the window is called Bzoo. What do you mean you don't know what is 'Bzoo'? GTFO, lam0r!